Determining Whether Mid-Course Corrections are Needed to Keep You on Track

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Those in high­er ed Enroll­ment Man­age­ment know how crit­i­cal the Spring semes­ter is for secur­ing future Fall enroll­ments. Dur­ing this webi­nar, we did a live demo of how advanced ana­lyt­ics and data visu­al­iza­tions are best lever­aged to iden­ti­fy whether mid-cycle cor­rec­tions are need­ed, espe­cial­ly at a time when the num­bers are rapid­ly chang­ing, and the out­comes are most respon­sive to strat­e­gy adjust­ments. This includ­ed test­ing two award­ing strat­e­gy adjust­ments on a live admit pool and fore­cast­ing how those changes will impact Fall head­count, dis­count, rev­enues, and class composition.

Using insti­tu­tion­al data and sta­tis­ti­cal mod­el­ing is key to cre­at­ing a sound admis­sion and finan­cial aid strat­e­gy. But, no sta­tis­ti­cal mod­el is per­fect. One of the rea­sons for that is that changes in the mar­ket hap­pen all of the time and no two admit pool ever look exact­ly alike. Stay­ing nim­ble through­out the cycle and hav­ing a plan in place to respond quick­ly when there are changes in the char­ac­ter­is­tics or behav­ior of the admit pool are both essen­tial parts of man­ag­ing toward enroll­ment and rev­enue goals. 

In Feb­ru­ary 2023, we joined forces with Alteryx and Carah­soft for a webi­nar on how a democ­ra­tized approach to ana­lyt­ics, com­bined with visu­al­iza­tions from Tableau, can help enroll­ment man­agers meet the chal­lenges of today’s com­pet­i­tive high­er edu­ca­tion land­scape and deter­mine whether mid-cycle adjust­ments are need­ed to meet Fall enroll­ment goals.