Outcomes by the Numbers: The Fall 2024 HAI Analytics Partner Enrollment Outcomes Report

June 25, 2024

n an enrollment cycle marred by the "FAFSA Fiasco", scrambling to adopt AI tools, staff shortages and broken models; HAI's partners are thriving!

We're thrilled to report the outcomes of Enrollment Management partners for fall 2024. Of course, while these numbers are not final until we hit the finish line of census, we are excited at the position of strength that our amazing colleagues are in heading into the home stretch!!!

📈 While many institutions are landing short, 70% of our partners are achieving enrollment growth prior to June 1, with 40% charting to a 15% growth in enrollment headcount!

💵 Struggling to balance the books? HAI's clients have experienced a net tuition revenue increase of 7% this cycle (while growing enrollment!).

🌎 While demographic trends continue to shift, HAI's partners have continued to evolve to better support student success. In fact, 75% of our partners have seen an increase in enrollment among students of color.

💸 Many institutions experiencing growth in enrollment oftentimes do so at the expense of greater discounting. HAI's partners have bucked this trend with 63% charting to be below their discount rate target for the 2024-2025 enrollment cycles.

Congratulations again to our amazing partners! We are so proud of the impact you're making on students and are grateful to support your success!

Outcomes by the Numbers

Join us! Let's get in touch and talk about how we can partner to replicate these results for your institution.