Leveraging Modern Analytics to Drive Your Institution Forward [WEBINAR]

September 20, 2019

ith soaring costs and dwindling enrollment, small private colleges are either closing, merging, or just plain struggling to stay afloat. Much of the pressure falls on Enrollment Management professionals to deliver a certain number of students and hit specific revenue targets to keep the institutions afloat. At the same time, Development offices are required to raise more capital so that sufficient financial aid can be offered to enrolled students. By implementing a strategic, data-driven approach, higher education professionals can start making insight-driven decisions.

Back in May we held a webinar with our partner, Alteryx, on this very topic. During this webinar, we demonstrated how institutions of all types and sizes can leverage the power of advanced analytics to reach their goals. We showcased several workflows that were created using Alteryx Designer. These workflows allow institutions to easily merge, prep, and blend data from different sources. We also reviewed how schools can use their own data to create reports and build sophisticated predictive models.

In this webinar, we discussed:

  • How Alteryx Designer can be used to combine data from all stages of the enrollment funnel
  • How predictive modeling can improve student conversion and yield
  • How competitor data can be quickly and easily incorporated into a data-driven, enrollment management strategy
  • How data can be used to qualify donor databases and optimize fundraising efforts
  • How geodemographic data can be incorporated to enrich your internal, student-level records

If you missed the webinar, “Leveraging Modern Analytics to Drive Your Institution Forward”, you can download the slides here:

Click here to download webinar slides

To discuss how predictive modeling can transform your institution, or to request more information on Alteryx Designer, please contact us at [email protected]!

Want to learn more about our work? Visit our higher ed solutions page for an overview of our decades-long experience in the industry, including building predictive models, creating enrollment and financial aid strategies, and more.